pH 7.6, can Jinlong?Ask for enlightenment.
= (Xianglong Agricultural Group Fish Friends Review) =
Elegant big wings
Within the normal range of pH, nitrite is high, if it is just opened, it is normal.
Fish Friends Dragon Tribe SKR
Good pH, nitrogen nitrate is high
Fish friends simple WQKTW
Thank you Dragon Tribe SKR
Good pH, nitrogen nitrate is high
Fish friends simple WQKTW
Thank you for a big wings
Within the normal range of pH, nitrite is high, if it is just opened, it is normal.
Fish Friends Dragon Tribe SKR
Ok Dragon Tribe SKR
Good pH, nitrogen nitrate is highHow long can the dragon fish turn on the light?How can a white tank raise a red dragon become red:How to adjust the fin shrinking of arowana^What color does the bottom of the gold dragon fish tank#What brand of dragon fish feed is cheap%What is better to raise red dragon fish from childhood@How long does the golden dragon fish shine$The best time for Arowana to turn on the lights! Haut-Sassandra Fish。PH 76 Can Jinlong?Ask for experts!